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- May, 28, 2014
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After two years of transition and restructuring, earthTV® has transferred its best company assets from the old analog satellite world into the new digital Full-HD world – and is out to record figures in the black. Key to this is a high performance cutting-edge technology and a consistently pursued online and growth strategy.

earthTV® today: unrivaled, sustainable and viable
On June 1, 2012 media entrepreneurs Nikolaus and Claudius Lohmann acquired the unique camera technology, production center and the trademark “earthTV” right out of (temporary) insolvency from previous owner Telcast Media Group. Clear objective was to continue business operations and to enable a fresh start.
Since then, the company initiated its online strategy and advanced the development and implementation of a new heavy-duty environment HD camera. Now earthTV’s flexible realtime production system brings pictures from the top spots all around the world and enables broadcasters and weather channels to capture destinations 24/7 from a complete camera network. Additionally new opportunities for the tourism industry in terms of marketing certain destinations, locations and events are now close at hand. The new IP delivery technology allows marketeers to use a realtime promotion service in a unique targeted way on a constant basis.
Step by step ahead of technology
Effective from June 1, 2014 the changeover to a new, completely IP-based system is carried out step by step. During the transition phase the camera operation will still be controlled by the broadcasting center Munich – whereas the playout via satellite will be replaced by the IP-based delivery of formats via cloud.
On September 1 earthTV® will change over to completely digital distribution, including the shutdown of the broadcasting center Munich, while the actual production process gives way to a fully automated distribution process. After a two month testing phase the appropriate Linux software is ready to go.
“Finally we have implemented what we always stated as crucial for a sustainable and efficient enterprise”, Nikolaus Lohmann, Managing Director at earthTV network GmbH, explains. “We had a clear roadmap and didn’t deviate an inch from it – for the very simple reason that full HD technology, IP delivery and fully automated processing form the basis for further growth.”
Collaborative formats ahead
Irreversibly, earthTV’s development is moving from planning, producing and broadcasting short camera clips towards fully automated archiving and provision of “camera data”, that even allows the joint development of new contents and services with broadcasters. “All employees have contributed to make earthTV® happen and to achieve the turnaround”, Claudius Lohmann, Managing Director of earthTV, sums up. “We are part of the operating team and will be more than ever in the future.”